Professional Service – Quality Herbal Medicines

How To Make An Appointment

To book an appointment you must call or email us. You are then required to download and fill out the form below, present the completed form upon your arrival at the clinic.

For an appointment call: 1 868-624-3727 / 62-HERBS


By presenting this form the applicant affirms that this information is given of their own free will and that, to the best of their knowledge, is correct. Any advice, treatments, and /or medicines offered or received at Natural Balance Ltd are taken at your own discretion. We at Natural Balance Ltd make no therapeutic claims.

phillip franco natural balance trinidad

Cancellation Policy

We at Natural Balance dedicate the time necessary to serve our patient’s needs.  Our practitioners work by appointment and therefore, they reserve specific amounts of time for your appointment.  Unfortunately, a missed appointment takes time away from serving our other patients’ health care needs. Patients with same day cancellations will be billed at half price, and no-shows will be charged the full appointment fee for their missed appointment.

Missing appointments or canceling with short notice is not acceptable.

If you have to cancel, please do so as early as possible giving at least 48 hours’ notice prior to your appointment so that we can at least arrange to give someone else your space.

Phone: 1 868-624-3727 / 62-HERBS

Your Naturopathic Visit

Your First Visit

During your first visit, you would have been assessed by the naturopathic practitioner and would have been given general, as well as, specific advice and prescribed various natural medicines or therapies.

Your Prescription

Your prescription for the medicinal items can be filled at the front dispensary.  It is important that you read and understand your prescription which outlines how and when to take your medicines.  Our staff can also help you clarify this information if necessary.

You may be prescribed other therapies, for example, many muscular-skeletal problems may require a series of massage treatments, stretching exercises, or Chiropractic Treatment. 

Your prescription may also include recommendations to diet or exercise, breathing exercises, bed-rest, or other lifestyle modifications.

The Dispensary & Store

Our Dispensary provides you with ‘the very best that Herbal Medicine has to offer’, both in the quality and the strengths that are required for therapeutic results. We always stress the importance of using quality products.

Using Your Medicines

Normally your medicines are for you to start immediately. Read your instructions to see if they are to be taken before, during, or after meals.

Liquid Herbs

Liquid Herbs – called Tinctures or Extracts, these liquids are the most potent forms of herbal medicines, as they have both water and alcohol, thereby extracting both the water-soluble as well as the alcohol-soluble active constituents from the herbs. A few drops are stronger than a heaped teaspoon of dried herb or several capsules of a dried herb.

You may be prescribed single herbs, or more commonly, a formula of several herbs.

Before measuring out your dose turn your bottle over twice to agitate and mix the liquid (DO NOT SHAKE). Then, pour out your dose (stated on your prescription and on your bottle), and then dilute with water.

Usually, 5 ml of liquid herbs can be sufficiently diluted with 20mls water, however, it can be diluted in a half glass of water to lessen the taste or minimize aggravation to a sensitive stomach. Sometimes it is recommended to dilute the herbs in a cup of hot water and drunk as a hot tea.


Herbal tablets

Our Herbal Tablets are totally different (both in quality and strengths) to those sold over-the-counter at pharmacies and health food stores.

Firstly, these are not capsules of powdered herbs but are tablets made from the herbal liquid extracts (described earlier). These strengths are also much higher and can be anywhere from 4 to 50 times stronger. 

 Tablets should usually be taken on an empty stomach and can be taken at the same time as the liquid herbs.


Usually, everyone has prescribed a multivitamin-mineral tablet and these are dosed at 1 tablet daily with either breakfast or lunch. The high B vitamin content in these will cause your urine to be bright yellow.


Again, all our vitamins are carefully chosen for their quality and strengths.

What to expect

With acute illnesses like colds and flu, you should expect to feel a change within 24 to 48 hours. If not, you may need to be re-assessed and changes made to your prescription.

With chronic illnesses, if symptomatic treatment is prescribed, then within a few days you should feel some relief, but it may take longer. Real changes in chronic illnesses occur after months of therapy.

Side Effects

Usually, the side effects experienced from taking natural medicines are good ones. However, occasionally a natural medicine may not agree with someone. Be aware (not paranoid) that you are taking new medicines and if you notice any unusual ill feelings you can either call the clinic for advice or stop taking the medications until you contact the clinic and are advised as to how to proceed.

Repeating and Re-filling Prescriptions

Your medicines may not last until your next visit and you may need to re-fill your prescriptions. Please call first (if you can) and let a staff member know that you will be coming in for a re-fill. This will enable us to serve you more efficiently.

Your follow-up visits

Your follow-up visits are very important as they allow the practitioner to assess your progress and alter parts of your prescription if necessary.

Cancellation Policy

We work by appointment and therefore the specific time is allotted for your appointment.

 Missing appointments or canceling with short notice is not acceptable and a charge for the time will be applied.

If you have to cancel, please do so as early as possible giving at least 2 days’ notice prior to your appointment so that we can at least arrange to give someone else your space.

Follow-up visits are charged at a substantially reduced rate. However, appointments must be kept for this to apply.

We will strive to give you a courtesy reminder call on the day before your visit; however, this is not an appropriate time to cancel.

phillip franco natural balance trinidad

Professional Services - Quality Herbal Medicines

1868-624-3727 / 62-HERBS

115 Cascade Road, Cascade. P.o.S. Trinidad